Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Practice in Prospect Park

Last night, we went to Prospect Park with my sister Ryan to perform the show for her. Ryan is a theater director and author of countless plays that are performed at her amazing theater company for young people, Downtown Art. So we wanted to get her input to prepare for a show on a big stage instead of in our living room or on grass.

After some really great advice and confidence building, we did the show. We cranked up the music pretty loud but we didn't have the same feeling of self-consciousness or dread that the police would come shut us down. We were just another of the many things going on in Prospect Park that day.

And the Park did respond a bit. One interested guy came and sat near Ryan as our only other audience member for the show and before he left put a dollar into our bag of hats! We also had some passersby gyrating to Paco and then one of them performed an impromptu serenade on your microphone.

Ryan thought we were in good shape but had some great notes for us. We're looking forward to trying out the show in a totally different space.

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